About Me

Academics, Researching, Writing, Healthcare and Leadership.

I’m Hesston Johnson

Hello, I’m Dr. Hesston L. Johnson. Thanks for visiting my personal website that covers all things professional and academic in my world.

This site is not only a central place to house my experiences and qualifications, it is also a location to bookstore links and a resource for individuals in all related fields, including organizational behavior, teaching, customer experience, healthcare operations and consulting.

I am a current and active member of:
– University of Richmond Advisory Board
– Delta Mu Delta – Nu Theta Chapter
– American Management Association
– International Leadership Association
– Organizational Behavior Management


Researched Employees

Published Articles

Researched Patients

Health Organizations

“Employee behavior fascinates me. What makes people behave the way they do and the inputs in the environment in which they work tell a story. That story tells you how to make better places to work, more motivated employees, more committed employees and all around ‘happier’ employees.”


I serve several organizations as a subject matter expert consultant in healthcare support services operations. I am a published author and established researcher in the field of healthcare. Other areas of support and skills include mentoring, lean process improvement and organizational behavior research specifically geared towards specific healthcare organizations.

Support Services Consulting, Business Writing, Books, Academics.

  • Articles, Case Studies, Research Overviews
  • Books – Organizational Behavior and Leadership
  • Consulting – Healthcare Support Services
  • College/University Teaching – Master Level OB

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